Omayad Palace for Conferences – Ebla Hotel
Ebla Hotel


With a magnificent courtyard, a unique structure stands alongside Ebla Hotel; it is the Omayad Palace for Conferences, which has an area of 43,000 square meters.

We have developed the technological aspect of the Omayad Palace, as an integrated planning with interconnected frameworks and services with all the city’s activities, in line with the rapidly developing technology of the era to become available for all.

It contains the following halls:

The first group:

1) The main hall (amphitheater), which can accommodate /2300/ people

2) Hall No. 2, which can accommodate /424/ people

3) Hall No. 3, which can accommodate / 435 / people

4) Hall No. 4 (the League of Arab States) and it consists of 24 tables and a platform on a round shape

5) Hall No. 5, which can accommodate /105/ people

6) Hall No. 6, which accommodates /60/ people

7) Hall No. 7, which can accommodate /70/ people

8) Hall No. 8, which can accommodate /380/ people

9) Hall No. 9 is suitable for multiple occasions and events, with an area of ​​400 m2

10) Hall No. 10, which accommodates / 35 / people

11) Hall No. 11, which accommodates /45/ people

The second group: It contains 10 halls for secondary and event meetings, where each hall accommodates from 20 to 25 people, and each hall has a name according to the following: Palmyra – Al Shahba – Al Rusafa – Bosra – Qasioun – Ugarit – Arwad – Apamea – Maysaloun

The third group: two VIP halls

It also contains a center for journalists that can accommodate /400/ journalists, with an optical cable and high-speed internet.

Garage for 2000 cars

Omayad Palace Gallery


Ebla Hotel & Omayad Palace for Comferences has always been a destination for the most important events and occasions that require professionalism, and we have prepared places and halls that suit your aspirations and ambitions.


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